Dosen: Ricky Perdana
syukur kita panjatkan kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Esa, berkat Rahmat-Nya sehingga
kami dapat membuat makalah yang berjudul “Bahasa Inggris 2#: Ringkasan Materi
Pembelajaran” untuk memenuhi tugas Mata Kuliah: Bahasa Inggris 2#. Semoga
makalah ini dapat bermanfaat dan kami pula menyadari akan adanya kesalahan
dalam penulisan makalah ini, maka dari itu kami membutuhkan saran dan kritik
agar dapat menyempurnakan makalah ini. Terimakasih kepada semua pihak yang
telah banyak membantu dalam penulisan makalah ini sehingga tersusunlah makalah
ini dari awal sampai akhir.
Penggunaan Some, Any, Much, Many, A lot of, dan A few
a. Some
dan Any
The general rule is that any is used for questions and
negatives while some
is used for positive. Some may also be
used for questions, typically offers and requests, if we think the answer will
be positive.
i. Some ex: - I have some friends to be visited next week.
i. Some ex: - I have some friends to be visited next week.
- She borrowed some books at library.
ii. Any ex: - Do
you have any ideas to solve this
- Sorry,
I don’t have any ideas how to solve that problem
b. Much,
Many, dan
A lot of
These work in the same
way as some and any. Much may only be
used with uncountable nouns while many is used with
Much ex:
- We need much money to do this project
- Do
you need much sugar on your coffee?
ii. Many
ex: - How many
people in this classroom?
- Many people asked me how to do that course.
iii. A
lot of ex: - I have a lot of foods for you.
- How much money
do you have? I have a lot of money.
c. A
The determiner a few means essentially the same thing
as a little, except it can only be used with countable nouns. So whenever
you’re dealing with nouns that have plural form, make sure to use a few.
Ex: - I met a few friends in that reunion.
- I have a few
pairs of shoes.
Penggunaan A, An, dan The
Kata ‘a’, ‘an’, dan ‘the’ adalah
jenis kata artikel yang terbagi menjadi dua kategori, yaitu:
1. Definite
The digunakan
pada hal yang spesifik (telah jelas ataupun
telah diterangkan sebelumnya)
meliputi: person (orang), thing (benda), maupun idea
Contoh kalimat: - I found
the glasses you were looking for.
- Please
open the door!
2. Indefinite
A atau an digunakan pada indefinite articles.
Kata sandang ini digunakan pada hal yang tidak spesifik atau belum pernah diterangkan
sebelumnya, meliputi: person (orang), thing (benda),
maupun idea (pemikiran).
Kata ini hanya digunakan sebelum singular countable
noun (kata benda dapat dihitung tunggal).
Contoh kalimat: - I had an omelette for breakfast today.
- Do
you have a pen?
dan Passive dalam bentuk Present
Active voice adalah
kalimat yang subjeknya berbuat sesuatu atau melakukan suatu pekerjaan.
Sedangkan, passive voice adalah kata atau frasa kata benda yang akan menjadi
objek dari kalimat aktif, muncul sebagai subjek kalimat dengan suara pasif.
Simple Present Tense
Active: S + V1 + s/es (-)
Active: S + does/do + not + V1
Passive: S + am/is/are + V3
Passive: S + am/is/are + not +V3
Active: Does/do + S + V1 + ?
Am/is/are + S + V3 + ?
(+) Active: She writes a story.
Passive: A story is written by her.
(-) Active: I do not
follow you
Passive: You are not followed by me.
(?) Active: Do the student answer all the test questions?
Are the test questions answered by the student?
Present Continuous Tense
Active: S + am/is/are + V-ing (-)
Active: S + am/is/are + not + V-ing
S + am/is/are + being + V3 Passive:
S + am/is/are + not + being + V3
Active: am/is/are + S + V-ing + ?
Passive: am/is/are + S + being + V3 +
(+) Active: She is singing a song.
A song is being sung by her.
(-) Active: She is not writing a story.
Passive: A story is
not being written by her.
(?) Active: Who is waiting for you?
Passive: by whom are
you being waited for?
3. Present Perfect Tense
Active: S + has/have + V3 (-)
Active: S + has/have + not + V3
S + has/have + been + V3 Passive: S +has/have + not + been + V3
Active: Has/have + S + V3 + ?
Passive: Has/have + S + been + V3 +
(+) Active: Online
shopping has saved lot of time.
Passive: Lot of time has been saved by online shopping.
(-) Active: She has not written a story.
Passive: A story has not been written by her.
(?) Active: Have you seen the Indonesia Idol?
Passive: Has the Indonesia Idol been seen by you.
4. Active dan
Passive dalam bentuk Past
Active voice adalah
kalimat yang subjeknya berbuat sesuatu atau melakukan suatu pekerjaan.
Sedangkan, passive voice adalah kata atau frasa kata benda yang akan menjadi
objek dari kalimat aktif, muncul sebagai subjek kalimat dengan suara pasif.
1. Simple
Past Tense
Active: S + V2 (-)
Active: S + did + not + V1
S + was/were + V3 Passive: S + was/were + not + V3
Active: Did + S + V1 + ?
Passive: Was/were + S + V3 + ?
(+) Active: She wrote a story.
Passive: A story was
written by her.
(-) Active: She did not write a story.
Passive: A story was
not written by her.
(?) Active: Did she write a story?
Passive: Was a
story written by her?
2. Past
Continuous Tense
Active: S + was/were + V-ing (-)
Active: S + was/were + not + V-ing
S + was/were + being + V3 Passive: S + was/were + not + being + V3
Active: Was/were + S + V-ing + ?
Was/were + S + being + V3
(+) Active: She was writing a story.
Passive: a story was being written by her.
(-) Active: She was not writing a story.
Passive: A story was not being written by
(?) Active: Was she writing a story?
Passive: Was a story being written by
3. Past
Perfect Tense
Active: S + had + V3 (-)
Active: S + had + not + V3
Passive: S + had + been + V3
Passive: S + had + not + been + V3
Active: Had + S + V3 + ?
Passive: Had + S + been + V3 +
(+) Active: She had written a story.
Passive: A story had
been written by her.
(-) Active: She had not written a story.
Passive: A story had
not been written by her.
(?) Active: Had she written a story?
Passive: Had a
story been written by her?
pronouns and reflexive pronouns
Indefinite pronouns do not refer to a
specific person, place, or thing. In English, there is a particular group of
indefinite pronouns formed with a quantifier or distributive preceeded by any,
some, every and no.
everybody |
Part (positive)
somebody |
Part (negative)
anybody |
no one
nobody |
Indefinite pronouns with some and any are
used to describe indefinite and incomplete
quantities in the same
way that some and any are used alone.
Indefinite pronouns are placed in the same location as a
noun would go in the sentence.
Indefinite pronoun
I would like to go to Paris this
I would like to go somewhere this
Jim gave me this book.
Someone gave me this book.
I won't tell your secret to Sam.
I won't tell your secret to anyone.
I bought my school supplies at
the mall.
I bought everything at the
positive sentences
In affirmative sentences, indefinite
pronouns using some are used to describe an indefinite
quantity, the indefinite pronouns with every are used to describe
a complete quantity, and the pronouns with no are used to
describe an absence. Indefinite pronouns with no are often
used in affirmative sentences with a negative meaning, but these are
nevertheless not negative sentences because they are lacking the word not.
- Someone is
sleeping in my bed.
- No one is
sleeping in my bed.
- He saw something in the garden.
- There is nothing to eat.
- Keith is looking for somewhere to
- There is nowhere as beautiful as
Any and
the indefinite pronouns formed with it can also be used in affirmative
sentences with a meaning that is close to every: whichever person,
whichever place, whichever thing, etc.
- They can choose anything from the
- You may invite anybody you want to
your birthday party.
- We can go anywhere you'd like this
- He would give anything to get into
- Fido would follow you anywhere.
Negative sentences can only be formed with the indefinite
pronouns that include any.
- I don't have anything to eat.
- She didn't go anywhere last week.
- I can't find anyone to come with me.
Indefinite pronouns with every, some,
and any can be used to form negative questions. These
questions can usually be answered with a "yes" or a "no"
Pronouns formed with any and every are
used to form true questions, while those with some generally
imply a question to which we already know or suspect the answer.
- Is there anything to eat?
- Did you go anywhere last night?
- Is everyone here?
- Have you looked everywhere?
These questions can be turned in to false or rhetorical
questions by making them negative. The speaker, when posing a question of this
type, is expecting an answer of "no".
- Isn't there anything to
- Didn't you go anywhere last
- Isn't everyone here?
- Haven't you looked everywhere?
Some and
pronouns formed with it is only used in questions to which we think we already
know the answer, or questions which are not true questions (invitations,
requests, etc.) The person asking these questions is expecting an answer of
- Are you looking for someone?
- Have you lost something?
- Are you going somewhere?
- Could somebody help me, please? =
- Would you like to go somewhere this
weekend? = invitation
These questions can be made even more definite if they are
made negative. In this case, the speaker is absolutely certain he will receive
the answer "Yes".
- Aren't you looking for someone?
- Haven't you lost something?
- Aren't you going somewhere?
- Couldn't somebody help me, please?
- Wouldn't you like to go somewhere this
Reflexive pronouns are
words ending in -self or -selves that are
used when the subject and the object of a sentence are the same (e.g., I
believe in myself). They can act as either objects or indirect objects.
The nine English reflexive pronouns are myself,
yourself, himself, herself, oneself, itself, ourselves, yourselves, and themselves.
Aji injured himself while playing football.
went to school by herself.
is reading a book by himself.
Why can’t you do your homework by yourself?
Have something done
is used to show that something is done for us, we do not do it ourselves.
: subject
+ have + object + past participle verb
· I have my
car serviced every two months
· We had the house redecorated in next summer.
· I am going to have my hair cut.
· We had the house redecorated in next summer.
· I am going to have my hair cut.
We use the causative in English to say that we have
arranged for someone to do something for us.
sentences -> S + have/had + Agent + verb 1 + object
sentences -> S +
have/had + object + Verb 3
•I had my brother take that glass (active)
•Mr. Setia had Lillie check the paper (active)
•I had my jacket cleaned yesterday (passive)
•I had my computer fixed (passive)
Determiners are
words placed in front of a noun to make it clear what the noun refers to.
1. Possessives : your, her, my, his, their, our,
its, my parents', whose, dll.
- My shirt is in the room
- My parents’ is at my grandfather’s house
2. Quantifier: A few, much, many, a little,
some, any, every, each, dll.
- Every student needs study hard
3. Artikel (a, an, dan the)
- Eating an apple every day is good for our
- The good news is a history book still
available at the library
4. Ordinal number/bilangan bertingkat: 1st, 2nd,
3rd, dll.
- My first sister will go to Hongkong next week
- I will go to the fifth floor
5. Demonstrative (this, that, these, those, etc)
- This desk used by my manager
- Those oranges belong to Jack’s mother
6. Number/angka: one, two, three, dll.
- Five balls had bought last night by mother
Question Tag
Question-tags adalah
pertanyaan ekor yang dibubuhkan pada akhir suatu kalimat. Fungsinya adalah
untuk menegaskan informasi yang diucapkan atau untuk mendapatkan persetujuan.
Dalam question-tags,
diperlukan auxiliary atau kata kerja bantu.
Jenis auxiliary antara lain:
Be auxiliary
am, atau are (untuk bentuk present tense/sekarang)
was atau were (untuk
bentuk past tense/lampau)
Do auxiliary
do dan does (untuk
bentuk present tense/sekarang)
did (untuk bentuk
past tense/lampau)
Have auxiliary
have dan has (untuk
bentuk present perfect tense)
had (untuk bentuk
past perfect tense)
Modal auxiliary: can, may, must, should, could, might
Shall dan Will untuk
bentuk future tense
Bentuk Question Tag
Negatif Question Tag
Auxiliary+n’t + pronoun?
(pronoun merupakan kata ganti dari subyek pada
kalimat positif)
isn’t it?
aren’t you?
aren’t they?
wasn’t she?
weren’t you?
don’t you?
doesn’t he?
don’t they?
didn’t you?
~ didn’t
hasn’t she?
haven’t you?
hadn’t he?
can’t you?
shouldn’t I?
Positif Question Tag
Auxiliary + pronoun?
(pronoun merupakan kata ganti dari subyek pada
kalimat positif)
is it?
are you?
are they?
was she?
were you?
do you?
does he?
do they?
did you?
did they?
has she?
have you?
had he?
can you?
should I?
1. Kalimat
Positif , negative Question tag?
· Heni is a
dancer, isn’t she ?
You like milk, don’t you?
Andien went to Bali, didn’t she?
They will go to Bandung, won’t they?
Agnes comes from Italy, doesn’t she?
This is your house, isn’t it?
Those are your cars, aren’t they?
There is a party tonight, isn’t there?
Everything is okay, isn’t it?
Everyone did homework, didn’t they?
2. Kalimat
Negatif , positif Question tag?
Raymond isn’t an artist, is he?
You aren’t a student, are you?
They weren’t at home, were they?
You don’t like gardening, do you?
Ganis didn’t go to Africa, did she?
You won’t leave me, will you?
Karina doesn’t love Mandra, does she?
I am not stupid, am I?
That isn’t your car, is it?
These aren’t her books, are they?
Nothing is wrong, is it?
Nobody wanted to move, did they?
1. Mengenai Subject
Subyek QT berasal
dari subyek kalimat di depannya.
Subyek QT (Question-Tags)
harus dalam bentuk pronoun, yaitu:
I, You, We, They, He, She, It.
Tag pronoun untuk this/that = it
Tag pronoun untuk these/those = they
Tag pronoun untuk subyek Everyone, Everybody,
Someone, Somebody, No one, dan Nobodyadalah They.
Tag pronoun untuk Everything,
Something, and Nothing adalah It.
Kalimat dengan there + be,
maka there digunakan dalam tag.
Jika kalimat menggunakan “I am …..
“(kalimat positif), maka tag-nya harus aren’t I.
Bentuk Auxiliary
Auxiliary pada QT harus sesuai
dengan auxiliary pada kalimat di depannya.
Auxiliary+not harus disingkat:
Is not
Are not
Was not
Were not
Does not
Do not
Did not
Has not
Have not
Had not
May not
Must not
Should not
Could not
Might not
Shall not
Will not
May not
Nothing, nobody, no one, never adalah kata-kata
yang bermakna negative, maka tag-nya harus berbentuk positif.
Bentuk Tag yang lain
I. Kalimat
“Open the
door, will/would/can/could you?”
“Take your
book, will/would/can/could you?”
“Pass me the
spoon, will/would/can/could you?”
II. Kalimat
“Let’s go, shall
“Let’s get to
work, shall we?”
“Let’s discuss
it, shall we?”
III. Kalimat
“Have a seat, won’t
“Have a drink, won’t
9. Conditional
Sentence Type 3
Conditional sentence type 3 merupakan kalimat pengandaian yang digunakan untuk mengekpresikan angan-angan yang diharapkan akan terjadi pada masa lampau, namun semua itu tidak terjadi dan tidak mungkin terjadi karena waktunya sudah berlalu. Ini hampir sama dengan conditional type 2. Bedanya, jika type 2 tidak terjadi karena suatu hal 'tidak' dilakukan, maka type 3 karena 'belum' dilakukan. Jika type 2 menggunakan simple past tense dan past future tense,
maka type 3 menggunakan past perfect tense dan past future perfect tense.
Misal, pada Jumat lalu kita berencana ingin memperbaiki computer kita, namun pd waktu itu kita 'belum' cukup uang, maka conditional type inilah yang digunakan.
- I would
have repaired my computer on Friday if I had had enough money (Aku bakal
sudah memperbaiki laptopku Jumat lalu seandainya aku sudah punya cukup
- Faktanya:
I didn't have enough money, so I didn't repair on Friday (Aku tidak punya
cukup uang jd tak memperbaiki pd hari Jumat)
Rumus 1, independent clause di depan:
Rumus 2, independent
clause di belakang, ini hanya membalik posisi saja:
- if
+ past perfect tense + coma (,) + past future perfect tense.
Untuk rumus fakta menggunakan simple past tense dimana jika kalimat conditionalnya berbentuk positive maka faktanya berbentuk negative dan begitu juga sebaliknya. Namun aturan itu tidak harus. Kita bisa membuatnya tetap dalam struktur positive yaitu dgn menggunakan lawan kata / antonym dari kata yang diconditionalkan tersebut. Contoh nanti bisa dilihat di paling bawah.
1. Suneo would have gone with Giant if he had waken up (Suneo bakal sudah pergi dgn Giant seandainya dia sudah bangun)
Faktanya: he didn't wake up, so he didn't go with Giant (dia tdk bangun, jadi dia tdk pergi dgn Giant)
2. I would have watched the movie if I'd bought a TV (aku bakal sudah menonton film itu seandainya sudah membeli TV)
Faktanya: I didn't buy a TV, so I didn't watch the movie (aku tak membeli TV, jadi aku tak nonton film itu)
3. She wouldn't have come if I hadn't called her (dia belum bakal datang kalau aku belum menelfonnya)
Faktanya: I called her, so she came (aku menelfonnya, jadi dia datang)
4. Would you have sent the file to me if I hadn't asked you? (apakah kamu bakal sudah mengirim file itu ke aku seandainya aku belum memintamu?)
Faktanya: I asked you, so you sent the file to me (aku memintamu, jadi kamu mengirimkan file itu ke aku)
5. I would have brought that bicycle if I'd paid for it (aku bakal sudah membawa sepeda itu seandainya aku sudah membayarnya)
Faktanya: I didn't pay that bicycle, so I didn't bring it (aku tdk membayar sepeda itu, jadi aku tak membawanya)
6. Sopo wouldn't have met Haji Udin if Jarwo hadn't forced him (Sopo belum bakal menemui Haji Udin jika Jarwo belum memaksanya)
Faktanya: Jarwo forced Sopo, so he met Haji Udin (Sopo memaksa Jarwo, jadi dia menemui Haji Udin)
7. Their relationship wouldn't have been declared by Ahmad if Mayang hadn't allowed (hubungan mereka belum bakal Ahmad umumkan jika Mayang belum mengizinkan)
Faktanya: Mayang allowed, so it was declared by Ahmad (Mayang mengizinkan, jadi itu diumumkan Ahmad)
8. They might have taken your peanuts if you hadn't put it into your bag (mereka mungkin sudah mengambil kacangmu seandainya kamu belum memasukannya ke dalam tasmu)
Faktanya: you put your peanuts, so they didn't take it (kamu memasukkan kacangmu, jadi mereka tak mengambilnya)
9. Mamat would have felled your mango tree if you hadn't come (Mamat bakal sudah menebang pohon manggamu seandainya kamu belum datang)
Faktanya: you came so he didn't fell your mango tree (kamu datang, jadi dia tak menebang pohon manggamu)
10. The supporters would have broken my car up if I hadn't taken it away from that place (para suporter bakal sudah merusak mobilku seandainya aku belum membawanya pergi dari tempat itu)
Faktanya: I took my car away, so they didn't break it (aku membawa mobilku pergi, jadi mereka tak merusaknya)
11. If you'd slept, I would have left
you (seandainya kamu sudah tidur, aku bakal sudah meninggalkanmu)
Faktanya: you didn't sleep, so I didn't leave you (kamu tak tidur, jadi aku tak meninggalkanmu)
12. If she'd married, she might have had a baby (seandainya dia sudah menikah, mungkin dia sudah punya seorang bayi)
Faktanya: she didn't marry, so she didn't have a baby (dia tak menikah, jadi dia tak punya bayi)
13. If you'd been able to drive, would you have driven my car? (seandainya kamu sudah bisa menyetir, akankah kamu sudah menyetir mobilku?)
Faktanya: you weren't able to drive, so you didn't drive my car (kamu tak bisa menyetir, jadi kamu tak menyetir mobilku)
14. If her proposal had been approved by her advisor, she would have been cheerful (seandainya proposalnya sudah disetujui dosen pembimbingnya, dia bakal sudah riang gembira)
Faktanya: her proposal wasn't approved, so she wasn't cheerful (proposalnya tak disetujui, jadi dia tak riang gembira)
15. If you'd been at there, I would have given that book for you (seandainya kamu sudah di sana, aku bakal sudah memberikan buku itu untukmu)
Faktanya: you weren't at there, so I didn't give that book (kamu tak di sana, jadi aku tak memberikan buku itu)
Faktanya: you didn't sleep, so I didn't leave you (kamu tak tidur, jadi aku tak meninggalkanmu)
12. If she'd married, she might have had a baby (seandainya dia sudah menikah, mungkin dia sudah punya seorang bayi)
Faktanya: she didn't marry, so she didn't have a baby (dia tak menikah, jadi dia tak punya bayi)
13. If you'd been able to drive, would you have driven my car? (seandainya kamu sudah bisa menyetir, akankah kamu sudah menyetir mobilku?)
Faktanya: you weren't able to drive, so you didn't drive my car (kamu tak bisa menyetir, jadi kamu tak menyetir mobilku)
14. If her proposal had been approved by her advisor, she would have been cheerful (seandainya proposalnya sudah disetujui dosen pembimbingnya, dia bakal sudah riang gembira)
Faktanya: her proposal wasn't approved, so she wasn't cheerful (proposalnya tak disetujui, jadi dia tak riang gembira)
15. If you'd been at there, I would have given that book for you (seandainya kamu sudah di sana, aku bakal sudah memberikan buku itu untukmu)
Faktanya: you weren't at there, so I didn't give that book (kamu tak di sana, jadi aku tak memberikan buku itu)
a) Direct Speech
Speech merupakan kalimat langsung yang diucapkan secara langsung oleh sang
pembicara dimana di dalam tulisannya Direct Speech menggunakan tanda petik dua (apostrophe)
di awal dan di akhir kalimatnya sebagaimana di dalam teks percakapan.
Perhatikan contoh di bawah ini:
says to me: “You are the best friend that I have ever had in my life!”
Rita berkata kepada saya: “Kamu adalah teman terbaik yang pernah saya miliki di hidup saya!”
Rita berkata kepada saya: “Kamu adalah teman terbaik yang pernah saya miliki di hidup saya!”
b) Indirect Speech
Speech merupakan kalimat tidak langsung yang diutarakan atau diucapkan baik
oleh orang lain atau pun oleh dirinya sendiri dan bentuknya tidak sama dengan
kalimat langsung. Perhatikan contoh di bawah ini:
says to me that I am the best friend that she had ever had in her life.
Rita berkata kepada saya bahwa saya adalah teman terbaik yang pernah dia miliki di hidupnya.
Rita berkata kepada saya bahwa saya adalah teman terbaik yang pernah dia miliki di hidupnya.
Direct dan Indirect masing – masing memiliki induk kalimat dan anak kalimat.
Induk kalimat disebut dengan introduce phrase dan berwarna ungu pada contoh di
atas. Sedangkan anak kalimat disebut dengan reported words dan berwarna merah
pada contoh di atas.
Aturan dalam Penulisan Direct dan Indirect Speech
kalimat langsung (direct speech) ke dalam kalimat tidak langsung (indirect
speech) dalam penulisannya terdapat beberapa aturan sebagai berikut:
1. Tenses
Hal pertama yang berubah
dari Direct Speech menjadi Indirect Speech yaitu tenses seperti tabel di bawah
Simple Present
Simple Past
Present Perfect
Past Perfect
Perfect Continous
Perfect Continous
Simple Past
Past Perfect
Past Perfect
Past Perfect
Perfect Continous
Perfect Continous
Simple Future
Past Future
Future Continous
Future Perfect
Past Future Perfect
Perfect Continous
Future Perfect Continous
2. Time and Place
The day before
That night
The day after / the following day
week after / the following week
Selain tenses, keterangan waktu dan tempat
juga ikut berubah dalam kalimat Direct menjadi kalimat Indirect. Perhatikan
tabel di bawah ini:
Kita boleh menggunakan Present Tense atau Past Tense jika kebenarannya
masih terjadi hingga saat ini. Contoh:
“My name is Aiden,” he said. Maka bentuk Indirect nya yaitu: He said his
name was Aiden, atau He said his name is Aiden.
3. Bentuk Kalimat
Selain hal – hal yang disebutkan di atas, bentuk kalimat juga mempengaruhi
perubahan kalimat Direct ke kalimat Indirect.
1). Statement (Kalimat pernyataan)
kalimat langsung (direct speech), kata yang dipakai dalam induk kalimat
(introduce phrase) tidak hanya said dan told saja, akan tetapi dapat
menggunakan kata – kata seperti suggested, admitted, advised, begged, ordered,
promised, replied, agreed, dan lain – lain. Sedangkan dalam kalimat tidak
langsung (indirect speech), perlu ditambahkan kata “that” untuk menghubungkan
induk kalimat (introduce phrase) dengan anak kalimat (reported words).
Direct Speech
Anna suggested Rio: “I think you have to come to your girlfriend
and apologize for what you did to her.”
(Anna menyarankan kepada Rio: “Saya pikir kamu harus datang kepada pacarmu dan meminta maaf atas apa yang telah kamu lakukan kepadanya)
(Anna menyarankan kepada Rio: “Saya pikir kamu harus datang kepada pacarmu dan meminta maaf atas apa yang telah kamu lakukan kepadanya)
Indirect Speech
Anna suggested Rio that she thought he had to come to his
girlfriend and apologized for what he had done to her.
(Anna menyarankan kepada Rio bahwa dia pikir Rio harus datang kepada pacarnya dan meminta maaf atas apa yang telah dia lakukan kepadanya)
(Anna menyarankan kepada Rio bahwa dia pikir Rio harus datang kepada pacarnya dan meminta maaf atas apa yang telah dia lakukan kepadanya)
2). Command (Kalimat perintah)
disini dapat berarti dua hal, yaitu menyuruh dan melarang. Menyuruh dapat
berarti melakukan (bersifat positif), sedangkan melarang dapat berarti tidak
melakukan (bersifat negatif).
a). Positif (Menyuruh)
kalimat tidak langsung (indirect speech), ditambahkan kata “to” untuk
menghubungkan induk kalimat dengan anak kalimat.
Direct Speech
The girl asked me: “Open the window!”
(Seorang gadis menyuruhku: “Buka jendelanya!”)
The girl asked me: “Open the window!”
(Seorang gadis menyuruhku: “Buka jendelanya!”)
Indirect Speech
The girl asked me to open the window.
(Seorang gadis menyuruhku untuk membuka jendelanya)
The girl asked me to open the window.
(Seorang gadis menyuruhku untuk membuka jendelanya)
Negatif (Melarang)
kalimat tidak langsung (indirect speech), ditambahkan kata “not to” untuk
menghubungkan induk kalimat dengan anak kalimat.
Direct Speech
Nita told Indah: “Don’t play outside alone!”
(Nita memberitahu Indah: “Jangan bermain di luar sendirian!”)
Nita told Indah: “Don’t play outside alone!”
(Nita memberitahu Indah: “Jangan bermain di luar sendirian!”)
Indirect Speech
Nita told Indah not to play outside alone.
(Nita memberitahu Indah untuk tidak bermain di luar sendirian)
Nita told Indah not to play outside alone.
(Nita memberitahu Indah untuk tidak bermain di luar sendirian)
3) Question (Kalimat tanya)
disini terbagi menjadi dua, yaitu:
a). Jika pertanyaan
menggunakan kata tanya berupa 5W +1 H (what, where, when, who, why, how), maka
kata tanya tersebut menjadi penghubung antara induk kalimat (introduce phrase)
dan anak kalimat (reported words).
Direct Speech
He asked me: “When will we go to your house?”
(Dia bertanya kepadaku: “Kapan kita akan pergi ke rumahmu?”)
He asked me: “When will we go to your house?”
(Dia bertanya kepadaku: “Kapan kita akan pergi ke rumahmu?”)
Indirect Speech
He asked me when we would go to my house.
(Dia bertanya kepadaku kapan kami akan pergi ke rumahku)
He asked me when we would go to my house.
(Dia bertanya kepadaku kapan kami akan pergi ke rumahku)
b). Jika pertanyaan
yang jawabannya berupa yes/no, maka ditambahkan “if” untuk menghubungkan induk
kalimat (introduce phrase) dan anak kalimat (reported words).
Direct Speech
The teacher asked Doni: “Have you done the assignment?”
(Guru bertanya kepada Doni: “Apakah kamu telah menyelesaikan tugas?”)
The teacher asked Doni: “Have you done the assignment?”
(Guru bertanya kepada Doni: “Apakah kamu telah menyelesaikan tugas?”)
Indirect Speech
The teacher asked Doni if he had done the assignment.
(Guru bertanya kepada Doni jika dia telah menyelesaikan tugasnya)
The teacher asked Doni if he had done the assignment.
(Guru bertanya kepada Doni jika dia telah menyelesaikan tugasnya)
12-14. Pengertian Direct Indirect Speech
Direct speech adalah suatu kalimat yang diucapkan secara langsung oleh pembicara yang dalam penulisannya disertai dengan tanda aphostrof di awal dan akhir kalimatnya sebagaimana teks dialog atau percakapan. Contoh:
Andi bilang kepada saya: “kamu adalah orang yang sangat aku cintai”
Andi says to me: “you are the one I love very much”
Sedangkan Indirect speech adalah suatu kalimat yang menggambarkan perkataan orang lain atau dirinya sendiri secara tidak langsung (tidak persis seperti yang dikatakan pada saat diucapkan). Seperti jika kita merubah contoh kalimat di atas maka indirect speechnya menjadi:
Andi bilang kepada saya bahwa saya adalah orang yang sangat ia cintai.
Andi says to me that I am the one he love so much
Direct speech adalah suatu kalimat yang diucapkan secara langsung oleh pembicara yang dalam penulisannya disertai dengan tanda aphostrof di awal dan akhir kalimatnya sebagaimana teks dialog atau percakapan. Contoh:
Andi bilang kepada saya: “kamu adalah orang yang sangat aku cintai”
Andi says to me: “you are the one I love very much”
Sedangkan Indirect speech adalah suatu kalimat yang menggambarkan perkataan orang lain atau dirinya sendiri secara tidak langsung (tidak persis seperti yang dikatakan pada saat diucapkan). Seperti jika kita merubah contoh kalimat di atas maka indirect speechnya menjadi:
Andi bilang kepada saya bahwa saya adalah orang yang sangat ia cintai.
Andi says to me that I am the one he love so much
Baik kalimat direct maupun indirect
speech terdiri dari dua unsur yakni induk kalimat dan anak kalimat.
Induk kalimat (introduce phrase) adalah seperti yang berwarna merah, sedangkan
anak kalimat (reported words) adalah yang berwarna biru.
B. Aturan Perubahan Direct Indirect Speech
Siswa sering kali dibingungkan
dengan perubahan kalimat dari direct speech ke indirect speech dalam hal
perubahan tenses, subjek objek serta tempat dan waktu. Berikut aturan
1. Tenses.
tenses di bawah ini terjadi jika Induk kalimatnya berupa bentuk Past
sedang jika induk kalimatnya dalam bentuk present tense seperti contoh di atas,
maka tidak ada perubahan.
2. Keterangan waktu dan tempat
Direct: tomorrow
Indirect: the following day
Direct: yesterday
Indirect: the day before
Direct: next week’
Indirect: the following week
3. Berdasar bentuk
Bentuk dasar kalimat juga
berpengaruh pada perubahan kalimat dari direct ke indirect speech. Bentuk dasar
kalimat yang dimaksud adalah:
- Statement (pernyataan)
Dalam Indirect Statement kita menggunakan kata “that” (bahwa) sebagai penghubung antara kalimat pengantar/induk kalimat (introduce phrase) dan kata-kata yang dilaporkan/anak kalimat (reported words). Kata yang biasa digunakan bukan hanya told dan said saja, melainkan bisa juga menggunakan: accused, admitted, advised, alleged, agreed, begged, boasted, complained, denied, explained, implied, invited, offered, ordered, promised, replied, suggested, dkk. Contoh: - He suggested: you
should come to the party.
He suggested I should come to the party. - Andi told me: “I invite you
to come to my party tonight”
Andi told me that he invited me to come to his party that night - My sister said to me: “Papa warned me last night”
My sister said to me that papa had warned her the night before. - Command (perintah)
Perintah berarti menyuruh untuk melakukan atau tidak melakukan (melarang) dengan kata jangan (don’t). Menyuruh untuk melakukan berarti bersifat positif, sedangkan melarang bersifat negatif (menggunakan don’t).
Dalam perintah positif kita tambahkan to di depan kalimat perintahnya, sebagai penghubung antara induk kalimat dan anak kalimat yang berupa kalimat perintah.
Dalam perintah positif kita tambahkan to di depan kalimat perintahnya, sebagai penghubung antara induk kalimat dan anak kalimat yang berupa kalimat perintah.
§ He asked me: “Open your book”
He asked me to open my book.
He asked me to open my book.
§ Garet aksed me: “stop talking to Janet”.
Gareth asked me to stop talking to Janet.
Gareth asked me to stop talking to Janet.
Dalam perintah negatif kita tambahkan not to di depan perintah yang dilaporkan.
Dalam perintah negatif kita tambahkan not to di depan perintah yang dilaporkan.
§ Mary told John: “Don’t wait for me’
Mary told John not to wait for her.
Mary told John not to wait for her.
§ Father said to my sister: “don’t go
alone in the middle of the night.
Father asked to my sister not to go alone in the middle of the night.
Father asked to my sister not to go alone in the middle of the night.
Kalimat pertanyaan dibagi menjadi dua kategori:
Kalimat pertanyaan dibagi menjadi dua kategori:
Pertanyaan yang menggunakan kata
tanya (what, where, when, who, why, how), maka
kata tanya tersebulah yang menjadi penghubung antara induk dan induk kalimat.
§ He asked me : “How will you go there ?”
He asked me how I would go there
He asked me how I would go there
Pertanyaan yang tidak menggunakan
kata tanya dan jawabannya berupa yes atau no.
§ The teacher asked her : “Have you finish your homework ?”
The teacher asked her if he had finished her homework.
The teacher asked her if he had finished her homework.
- Kita boleh menggunakan present tense atau past tense
jika kebenarannya masih terjadi hingga saat ini. Contoh:
“My name is Lynne”, she said. Indirectnya boleh: She said her name was Lynne. Boleh juga: She said her name is Lynne.
Indirect Speech for Future Simple
Future Continuous Tense
Future continuous tense atau future progressive
tense adalah bentuk kata kerja yang digunakan untuk menyatakan aksi yang
akan sedang terjadi pada waktu tertentu di masa depan. Aksi tersebut telah
dimulai tapi belum selesai pada saat itu.
Future Continuous Tense
Future continuous tense dibentuk dengan auxiliary
verb will dan be, dan present
participle. Secara umum future continuous tense hanya terjadi
pada aksi berupa dynamic
verb, tidak stative verb karena umumnya hanya dynamic
verb yang memiliki bentuk continuous
Imperative adalah kalimat perintah yang bertujun
untuk memerintahkan/ meminta seseorang melakukan sesuatu yang kita kehendaki.
Dalam imperative kita tidak dianjurkan memakai subjek diawal kalimat, karena
kalimat ini bersifat langsung kepada subjek namun tidak disebutkan subjeknya.
Contohnya Ambilkan payung saya!. Tanda baca yang selalu digunakan dalam
imperative adalah tanda baca seru (!) dan terdapat kata “please” yang biasanya
diletakan diawal atau diakhir kalimat. Hal itu bertujuan mempertegas kalimat
agar yang diperintah langsung melakukan perintah.
Imperative mempunyai 2 (dua) pola dan berikut ini
imperative yang menggunakan kata kerja pertama (verb 1), disini kita hanya
menggunkan kata kerja verb 1 (infinitive)
Verb 1 + Object
contoh kalimatnya dibawah ini:
- Direct Speech : Miftah said,
“cut the paper into two side and fold like me!”
Indirect Speech : Miftah said to cut the paper into two side and fold like him
- Direct Speech : Mr. Fairiz said
me, “ Take me a cup of tea, now!”
Indirect Speech : Mr. Fairiz said me to Take him a cup of tea, then
- Direct Speech : The teacher
told us, “Do the task on the page 67 in this hand book!”
Indirect Speech : The teacher told us to Do the task on the page 67 in that hand book
- Direct Speech :My father said
,” Dig the hole deeper, I will plant the flowers!”
Indirect Speech : My father said to Dig the hole deeper, he would plant the flowers
imperative yang menggunakan kata kerja bantu berupa “TO BE” disini kita hanya
menggunkan “BE”
Be + Noun/ Adjective/ Adverb
contoh kalimatnya dibawah ini:
- Direct Speech: My mother said
me, “Be my good daughter when I leave you alone at home!”
Indirect Speech: My mother said me to Be her good daughter when she left me alone at home!”
- Direct Speech: I said her, “be
Indirect Speech : I said her to be silent
- Direct Speech: You said me, “Be
near of me!”
Indirect Speech : You said me to Be near of you
- Direct Speech: I told him “Be
Indirect Speech : I told him to Be himself
- Direct Speech: Ratna said, “be
Indirect Speech : Ratna said to be quicker
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